Četvrtak 13. srpnja 2017. u 20:00 sati
prostor 17B u istočnom dijelu supstrukcija (podruma) Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu
„Classic meets Ultra“ Marin Limić – klavir/piano
Robert Schumann – Karneval op.9 / Carnival op.9
Armin van Buuren / arr. M. Limić ml. - Mirage (2010)
Martin Garrix / arr. M. Limić ml. - In the name of love (2016)
Armin van Buuren / arr. M. Limić ml. - This is how it feels like (2013)
Deadmouse / arr. M. Limić ml. - Clockwork (2008)
Vast vision / arr. M. Limić ml. - Everything (2009)
Sve skladbe su u klavirskoj obradi Marina Limića ml., a autori su svjetski poznati DJ-i i skladatelji elektronske glazbe.
Marin Limić /Zagreb,1985./, pijanist, osnovno i srednje glazbeno školovanje završio je u splitskoj Glazbenoj školi Josipa Hatzea, u razredu pedagoga i koncertne pijanistice Jadranke Garin. U razdoblju od 1997.-2003. , na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima, višestruko je nagrađivan prvim ili drugim nagradama. Od 2003. student je Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Đ.Stanettija i L.Pogorelića, ali već tada zapažen, na poziv Arba Valdme, uglednog pedagoga ruske pijanističke škole, odlazi u Köln. Početkom 2010. diplomaira u klasi svog stalnog profesora Valdme na “Hochschule fuer Musik” u Kölnu. Također se i usavršava na seminarima vrsnih pedagoga (C.Stanczyk, Krpan, Baranyay, Gililov, Dalibaltayan……). Limićev opsežan repertoar seže od djela baroknih majstora Bacha i Scarlattija preko Haydna, Mozarta, Beethovena, posebno Chopina i Liszta, zatim Debussya, Ravela, Prokofjeva, Berga te hrvatskih skladatelja. U svom opusu ima tridesetak vlastitih skladbi, koje izvode i drugi pijanisti. Održao je brojne solističke koncerte te nastupe uz pratnje raznih orkestara. Objavljena mu je knjiga i cd vlastitih skladbi u izdanju biblioteke Kačić i Sidra music-a /2015./ te je održano 10-ak promocija po hrvatskim gradovima. Održao je više solističkih recitala pod nazivom “Koncert zaboravljenih melodija” kroz koje je promovirao zapostavljene skladatelje klasične glazbe /2016./.
Marin Limić /Zagreb 1985/a pianist,completed his elementary and secondary education in Music school „Josip Hatze“ in Split, in the class of renowed pedagogue and concert pianist - mrs.Jadranka Garin. In the period between 1997-2003, both at national and international competitions, he was awarded 1st and 2nd place more then several times. In 2003 he enrolls in Music Academy of Zagreb, the class of prof. Stanetti and L. Pogorelić,but already prominent, he recieves an invitation from a highly respected piano pedagogue of russian piano method Arbo Valdma and he goes to Cologne to take his admission exam. Out of six pianists who are accepted, he scores among top three who excel in their capabilities! At the beginning of 2010 he received his degree in the class of his regular professor Valdma. He's also received his advanced training at the masterclasses of the most prominent pedagogues such as Stanczyk, Krpan, Baranyay, Gililov, Dalibaltayan…. The range of Limić's wide repertoire includes works of baroque artists such as Bach and Scarlatti, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, especially Chopin, Liszt, then Debussy, Ravel, Prokofiev, Berg, as well as croatian composers. Furthermore, in his musical opus there are also his own 30 compositions, which are interpreted by other pianists. He has held numerous solo concerts and performed with the accompaniment of various orchestras. His book and cd of his own songs were published in Kačić's and Sidra's music library /2015./ and 10 promotions were held in Croatian cities. He has held several solo recitals entitled "Concert of Forgotten Tones" through which he promoted neglected composers of classical music /2016./.